May 16, 2023

Generative AI and How It Has Been Impacting the Digital Marketing World

Artificial Intelligence is the topic of every conversation right now. Even at a family gathering this weekend, everyone was saying “ChatGPT it” where they would have said Google it before. Mostly they were joking, but if you are in the digital marketing world you are not joking when it comes to A.I. 

Last week at Google’s I/O event they provided a lot of updates around how they are going to use A.I. in search and other products. Later in the week Facebook also announced some Generative A.I. Products, starting with a tool to make a video based on a text prompt. Search is going to get a major upgrade with Google’s SGE feature (Search Generative Experience). This will bake conversational AI right into the results. It will begin to change both SEO and paid search for both consumers and brands alike. 

So what does this mean for the marketing and software world? What should you be doing or thinking about? 

First, I should note this blog post was written by a human, well for the most part. I did ask ChatGPT to explain Generative A.I., and it said;

“Generative AI refers to a category of artificial intelligence that involves training models to generate new and original content. These models learn patterns from existing data and use that knowledge to create something new, such as images, music, text, or even entire videos. 

Second, here are 3 things to think about w/ A.I. and digital marketing right now;

  1. Test it out - If you haven’t logged onto or Do it, finish this article first, but do it. Ask it some questions, and give it some tasks. Try Facebook’s Make-A-Video tool. Think about the implications for your work day and your customers. What are the implications? If the answer is there are none, try again.
  2. Get your dev team involved - Sure, Chat GPT, and Bard can help you with code, but there are a lot of other tools like GitHub’s Co-pilot. Developers can troubleshoot code to find bugs, write new code, and have the tool help explain the purpose of the code. All of this helps improve the quality and speed of development. 
  3. Partner with someone to help - This can be getting training through a great organization like the Marketing Artifical Institute, or attend their conference (MAICON), or working with an agency like ours. We’ve built various A.I. models, and are using a variety of A.I. Check out our work in this area, and how we are using A.I. today at AirTank.

We are excited for what the future holds and at this pace, the future is here and will be coming quickly and in massive A.I. generated waves. 

December 22, 2023
Check out our latest webinar "2024 Trends and Predictions." We cover several topics based on our research, client conversations, and additional insight as we head into the New Year.