August 16, 2023

The Rise of Voice Search: How It's Shaping eCommerce SEO

Hey there, eCommerce enthusiasts! 🎉 Let's talk about something that’s been on everyone's lips (quite literally) - voice search. Yes, we're diving deep into how saying, "Hey Google, find me a blue summer dress," or "Alexa, order more coffee," is dramatically reshaping the world of e-commerce SEO.


The Voice Revolution

First things first, let's get a grip on the magnitude of this trend. By the time 2020 wrapped up, an estimated 50% of all searches were voice searches. With smart speakers and voice assistants like Amazon Echo, Google Home, and Apple’s Siri becoming household staples, this number is only going to climb.

So, what does this mean for e-commerce? A whole lot!


Natural Language is the New Keyword

Remember the good ol' days when we'd type "best sneakers 2021"? With voice search, it’s more like, "What are the best sneakers for running this year?" Searches are becoming more conversational and question-based. For e-commerce businesses, this means optimizing for long-tail keywords and phrases that mimic natural speech.


Local Searches Are Blowing Up

Voice searches are often local. "Where can I buy organic honey near me?" or "Bookstores open now." If you have a brick-and-mortar store, or if your eCommerce business also caters to specific locales, local SEO just became your new best friend. Make sure your Google My Business listing is updated, and sprinkle your content with local keywords.


Mobile + Voice = Shopping on the Go

Many voice searches happen on mobile devices. Someone might be on a jog and ask their phone for the best hydrating drink, or in their car looking for the nearest drive-thru. Optimizing for mobile has always been crucial, but with the rise of voice search, it's do-or-die.


Intent is King

Here’s the exciting part: voice searches are usually more specific and have a clearer intent. Instead of searching "winter boots," someone might voice search "waterproof winter boots for hiking." This specificity can be a gold mine for e-commerce businesses. Focus on understanding and addressing these specific needs in your SEO strategy.


Quick Tips to Voice-proof Your eCommerce SEO:

1. Featured Snippets: Aim for these! When voice assistants read out answers, they often pull from these snippets. Plus, who doesn’t like being at position zero on Google?

2. FAQs are Fabulous: Given the question-based nature of voice search, having a robust FAQ section can help catch those queries.

3. Speed Matters: Nobody, including voice search devices, likes a slow website. Ensure your website loads quickly.

4. Structured Data: It sounds techy because, well, it is. But using schema markup can help search engines understand your content better, making it more likely to be chosen for voice search results.


Voice search isn’t just a buzzword. It’s a seismic shift in how consumers find products and make decisions. For eCommerce businesses, this presents challenges but also unprecedented opportunities. The key? Stay adaptable, keep the conversation going (with your SEO strategies), and always, always put the user's intent first.

The future might have us chatting with our devices more than with people (Black Mirror, anyone?), but for now, let's enjoy the convenience and ensure our businesses are ready to answer when someone calls out, "Hey Siri, where's the best eCommerce SEO advice?"

Let us know your thoughts by clicking here! 🚀

December 22, 2023
Check out our latest webinar "2024 Trends and Predictions." We cover several topics based on our research, client conversations, and additional insight as we head into the New Year.