March 03, 2021

Why Your Google Ads May Not Be Working, and the Solution


Whether you’re in marketing or not, Google Ads are something we’re all at least vaguely familiar with because we see them all the time. Like when we’ve searched for something only to find ads popping up on our social media feeds for the next week. Maybe we’ve even clicked on a few. In your own business, you might be skeptical about investing in Google Ads because the very technical-sounding jargon to help track things (conversion code, conversion id, or conversion pixel) might be intimidating. 


But consider these stats: 


  • Google revenue has doubled over the past decade
  • Google Ads brings in 95 percent or more of Google’s total revenue
  • Digital advertisers invest more in Google Ads than any other advertising platform


Based on the major marketing key performance indicators (KPIs), Google Ads still generate the highest conversion rate and ROI.

So, what if your ads don’t seem to be working? While Google Ads optimization can be complex, here are just a few suggestions you might consider:


1. Reverse-Engineer the Path of Purchase

Reverse-engineering the path of purchase means you consider your desired end result, then choose your keywords, write your ad copy, and tweak your landing page to achieve the end goal of a conversion action.


Understand how your customers shop to give you an edge in your Google Ads campaign. Think about what happens when a customer visits your site. Do they have a clear path to follow? Are you giving them the value they are looking for?


2. Test Your Landing Page Design

It’s  important to recognize that ultimately, Google Ads are for click-throughs and your website is for the conversion. The goal when sending someone to your site from Google Ads is to convert them into a customer. Your Google Ads conversion rate relies heavily on the quality of your landing page!


Split-testing your landing page gives you an opportunity to learn more about your customers and what works so you can decide what lead magnet you’re going to use.

Then, when your landing page is high-converting, you can optimize your clicks and traffic instead of wasting money. Test every element of your page from CTA placement to the shapes and colors of buttons to the actual copy itself.


3. Use Remarketing as a CRO Tool

Neil Patel says that “According to AdReady, retargeting is the most effective ad display strategy of all. Properly using a tracking code will help you go back to potential customers.”

Remarketing is what happens when you visit a website and then leave, but then continue to see their product pop up on your home page. It’s an extremely effective way to persuade indecisive visitors to go back to your site.


4. Don’t Try to Interrupt the Search

Often, marketers will buy up keywords that are loosely related to their product and while from a marketing perspective it seems to make sense, the psychology of it doesn’t. For example, “The user is searching for air filters, so I should advertise my cleaning products to them.” Searchers, especially those with more specific searches, tend to be very single-minded. You need to address exactly what they searched for. They won’t be distracted by what you’re trying to sell if it’s not what they searched for.

Instead, do research on what your ideal customer is searching for and discover how you can solve their search with an ad and a landing page.

Improve your Google Ads conversion rate by using your ad to solve their search, get them to your brand, and then continue to deliver value.


5. Use a Customer-Focused Approach

In a dream world, every business would like to think their product or service is for everyone, but the truth is, it’s often not. Because it’s so easy to add audiences to ad groups in Google Display Network, it’d be natural to want to target as many people as possible, but the #1 rule is to know your ideal customers. Create your content around their desires, needs, and challenges so they will see and respond to the value of your product or service. 


“Your ads need to have the right message and reach the right person in the search funnel at the right time. Ideally, this leads to a conversion action.” - Neil Patel


If you’re looking to start running Google Ads and don’t know where to start, or maybe you want to experiment with your landing pages and discover more ways to make your Google Ad budget go farther, we’re here to help! Get in touch with us and let’s chat about your marketing needs.

December 22, 2023
Check out our latest webinar "2024 Trends and Predictions." We cover several topics based on our research, client conversations, and additional insight as we head into the New Year.